Image for INDUSTRY DAYS 2022



Towards a full green and digital transformation: the role of EU SMEs and startups in the travel and tourism industry

Date: 21th Feb 2022, 2PM – 4:30 PM

Format: online, zoom

Here’s program and bellow you’ll find application form for this FREE, online conference.

Towards a full green and digital transformation: the role of EU SMEs and startups in the travel and tourism industry

DATE: 21/02/2022 14:00- 16:15 CET
FORMAT: Online conference-ZOOM
Opening from the moderator14:00- 14:02X23- Anastasiia Yakush
Event opening- EU Industry Days introduction, Event introduction14:02-14:05X23- Marika Mazzi Boém
Key note speeches: PART I
The current Market Trend of the tourism industry14:05-14:20GREEN EVOLUTION- Ioannis Pappas
Green is the New Black: Why Eco-Sustainable Tourism is an Opportunity for SMEs14:20-14:30ENIT- Elena di Raco
The current trends of the tourism industry- digitalisation and sustainability14:30-14:40ITKAM- Sonia Barani
ECO-Challenges: Presentation & Discussion14:40-14:50X23- Anastasiia Yakush
EU ECO-TANDEM programme: unlocking the micro-funding potentials
X23- Marika Mazzi Boém
5 min virtual break
Moderator introducing the Digital Transformation session15:10-15:15X23- Anastasiia Yakush
Key note speeches: PART II
How to hack innovation for the tourism sector15:15-15:30Transformation LightHouse- Urška Jež
AR/VR tech and and new technologies introductions15:30-15:45AR/VR Tech- Maja Pokric
Technology vs the future- The New Era of Tourism and Entertainment15:45-16:00Algebra Lab- Maja Brkljačić
The EU DigiTOUR- Project Introduction, Micro funding opportunities
X23- Marika Mazzi Boém; Emma Tsai
Q&A session
Event close16:10-16:15X23- Marika Mazzi Boém
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