Dragi studenti i studentice,
pozivamo vas na Flutter Hot Restart iz serije Flutter meet up-a, koji će se ovaj puta održati uživo na Visokom učilištu Algebra, u utorak,15.11.2022. s početkom u 18.00 sati u dvorani Steve Jobs.
Ovo izdanje Flutter meet up-a pokriti će sljedeće teme:
Flutter vs Native
Ivan Štajcer, Q agency
Do you wonder how much performance cost you pay for choosing Flutter over native? You’ll find out what is the performance difference, but more importantly, how does that affect you and your end users, and when to care about it.
Nested Navigation
Sandro Lovnički, Friendly Fire
This talk will cover the theory and implementation of somewhat advanced scenarios which require multiple independent and/or nested Navigators managed by Router widgets. After examining complex implementation details of the original Router API, we'll explore how Beamer tries to simplify this process.
Clean Architecture
Josip Krnjić, Infinum
Almost every week we see a new "clean architecture" article pop up. Which one of these architectures is the right one? This talk will explain how the whole clean code idea started and how it can be implemented in Flutter projects.
Prijave su na linku: https://www.meetup.com/flutter-zg/events/289370886?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=share-btn_savedevents_share_modal&utm_source=link
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Sveučilište Algebra